Well here I am in all my glory for all of SL to see....but its not me per say I want you all to look at...its my skin. Loryn is the first skin to iCandy and while it only may have 4 makeups, it is a fantastic skin to go with most outfits. Let me just tell you what you get for your L$899 per makeup...
2 Styles - one with a lipstick and one with a natural lip
3 color brow option - Light Brow, Brown Brow, and Dark Brow
Freckle option
Cleavage option (some of the best cleav on the grid)
Teeth Tattoo Layer
4 Brow Shapes
There are 4 makeups to choose from: Lemon Drop, Raspberry Swirl, Cotton Candy, and Poprocks Grape
Now that is a great value for your lindens!! Stop on by
iCandy and try one the FREE demos and pick your favorite makeup today!! xoxo Violet